Friday, April 24, 2015

It's official - I can program in C#

I finally went and took the first of three exams required to become a Microsoft Certified Software Developer (MCSD).  I opted for the 70-483 Programming in C# exam over the 70-480 Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3, though I do plan to take that in the future.

  1. Study specifically for the exam
    The range of topics is quite large and it is likely there will be questions you are not familiar with.  Topics I was not familiar with:
    • Performance Counters
    • GAC tools
    • Specific Crypto Algorithms
  2. Carefully read each question
    There can be subtle verbage that helps immediately rule out answers.
    Eg, You need to send large volumes of data securely using a hashing algorithm.  
    This would rule out any encryption algorithms.
  3. Get comfortable with the query syntax of LINQ
    I never use the 'query syntax' (eg, from c in collection where ...) and just about every question involving LINQ used that form
The exam was 55 questions with a maximum allowed time of 120 minutes.  This was more than enough time to read and think about each question before answering.  I finished the exam in just under an hour and never felt time pressure.  At the end, I had mistakenly not answered one question and it informed me of this before letting me end the exam so don't worry about skipping questions.  I do recommend taking the time to read and understand each question which I can't stress enough.  Several times, the supplied code in the question gave away the answer, it just took a second to realize what was being asked.

I didn't realize going into it, but by passing a single exam, you are considered a Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) and have special recognition in the Microsoft Community. I'm excited to start digging into what's included. More on this to come :)