Friday, March 27, 2015

WCF Best Practices Part 1: Setting up the solution

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is one of the most commonly used technologies to connect to services in the Microsoft Stack.  I found it surprisingly hard to find any guidance on how to setup your projects when using WCF.  Please refer to this dnrtv episode for guidance on how to setup your projects.  It's an oldy, but still applies today.

Some of the biggest take aways that I finally uncovered from this episode were:
  1. Service References are not your friend - DO NOT USE THEM!
  2. There are 5 major components when dealing with WCF
While I noted that service references are not your friend is the number 1 take away, I will cover the 5 components first as that will bring some context as to why they are bad.

1.  Contracts

Contracts are the core foundation of any service and are the most critical aspect to get right as early as possible.  The contracts describe the agreement that a client has with the service code driving it.  Contracts are not secret, in fact, that would be counter productive.  I want to consume a service, but I do not know how to interact with that service.  How would I know how to request something, to even how to talk to it (eg, TCP, HTTP, ...)?

In the contracts, you will have two primary types of objects:
  1. Data Transfer Objects - DTOs
  2. Service Interfaces
Notice, only the interface to the service exists in this project, not the implementation code.

Contracts will exist in their own project so that they can be shared with clients (you can openly distribute this to your customers).  If the customer is able to use your contracts dll directly, less work for them.  If the customer cannot use your contracts dll directly, WCF supports discovery while allows tools to auto-generate types (eg, Service References).

I highly, highly recommend decorating all of your DTOs with the [DataContract(NameSpace="")]

This project is typically a Class Library

2.  Client Proxy

This project contains proxy classes implementing the service in question.  In .net, these classes would look something like:

// in the Contracts project
public interface IDoStuff
    ReturnedStuff DoStuff(WithStuff thisStuff);

// in the client Proxy
public class IDoStuffProxy : ClientBase<IDoStuff>, IDoStuff
    ReturnedStuff DoStuff(WithStuff thisStuff)
        return this.Channel.DoStuff(thisStuff);

This can easily be auto-generated and is not secret so you can provide it openly to customers.  Tools like Service Reference will generate these proxy types for you.  As you can see, there is not much involved with generated these by hand even.  svcutil (which Service References uses) can generate these for you as well.

This project is typically a Class Library

3.  Service Implementation

Of course you'll eventually have to provide some working implementation for the service contracts in the contracts project.  This type will also contain additional types that help support the service, but which are not simply DTOs or should not be given out to the customer because they contain some proprietary functionality, etc.

This is your secret sauce and should not be given out.  This code can be updated at any time as long as it does not break the contract with the client.  We know it will not as that would require a change in the Contracts project.

This project is typically a WCF Service Library

It is imperative that this be host independent as you may want to have on prem, azure, aws, ... or even iis and apache.  Trust me, you are better off keeping this separate from the service host.

Service Libraries also have a nice feature where the WcfTest client will open with a reference to your service if you start the service library directly.

4.  Service Host

If you are using iis and/or iis express the service host is extremely simple.  It contains only the web.config file and transforms.  That's it.

This project is typically a WCF Service Application

5.  Client

Finally, we have the client.  A client is anything that uses your service.

Why 5 Separate Projects

Primarily, it keeps you honest.  You should not change an API to suite the needs of an implementation and when the interface the service implements resides in a completely separate project, it really makes you consider if that is the right thing to change.

It has the added benefit of providing bits you can provide to customers which are not secret so they don't have to generate those types.  Think, Barrier to Entry.

Finally, it lends itself to easy deployment to multiple environments and even multiple platforms.

Service References

Are not your friend because Visual studio tries to manage things for you and when things break, you have no idea what you are looking at; worse, it sometimes breaks more when you 'fix' it.  Specifically, it tries to generate the DTO and proxy types and manage the web config file related to those services (it is very, very bad at this management).  Under the covers, it uses the svcutil.exe which you can use as well from command line and I guarantee you will do a better job!

The only reason to use the Service Reference would be to have it generate the types which you then cleanse and add to source control as your own code, the remove the service reference.  At that point, you may as well use the svcutil.exe.

When you own the contracts dll (maybe another team within the company) or the service provider just gives out the contracts dll directly, use it*.

*One nice thing the svcutil.exe can do is generate Task-based methods of the service interface, even when the service interface is not Task-based.  In this case, you may want to generate your own types anyway.

This was the biggest missing link for me when I jumped into WCF.  I started after version 4.5 was released so the configuration files were super easy to figure out.  I just didn't understand how to structure the projects so hopefully someone out there benefits from this!  :)

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