This exam was actually easier (for me, at least) than the 70-483 Programming in C# exam. If you have worked on an MVC project for 2+ years, this should be a piece of cake.
Carefully read each question
For questions which were fill-in-the-blanks, often the answer would be obvious without needing to read the question (can answer purely based on syntax). However, there were cases where an answer to a given question would be revealed in sample code for another question. -
First Chance Exceptions
I think this was the only topic I really did not have much experience with. Make sure you know what First Chance Exceptions are and how they work! -
Configuration File Security
Make sure you understand how to secure parts of your configuration file (like connection strings).
If you have a few years experience working with MVC, this test will be a no-brainer. I was able to finish the exam in 45 minutes and for many of the questions, the answer was trivially obvious (based on syntax) or something that you really should know. I felt the breadth of topics was waaaay smaller than for the Programming in C# exam so studying was fairly easy. In this case, I am fairly confident that even without studying, I would have passed this exam with no problems.Being the second of three exams, passing did not increase my standing as far as Certification Titles. With the first exam, I became an MCP. This exam, I remain an MCP. With the next exam (70-487 Developing Microsoft Azure and Web Services) I will achieve the Microsoft Certified Software Developer (MCSD) Title.
Happy Coding!
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